If you a new resident and moving into Marion Township, Welcome!!
Here is a list of utility providers for our township
and some additional information
that you may find helpful.
West Penn Power: 1-800-255-3443
Central Electric: 1-800-521-0570 Columbia Gas: 1-888-460-4332 Marion Twp. Boyers Water & Sewage: 724-735-2637 Tri County Industries (garbage): 724-748-4705 Brightspeed (phone, internet): 1-800-786-7262 Armstrong (internet, cable, phone): 724-458-5460 |
Garbage pick up is very early Monday morning so make sure you set your garbage out on Sunday night.
Depending where you are located in the Township will determine if you have West Penn Power or Central Electric. Also, Armstrong in not available in all areas of the Township. Don't forget to have your mail forwarded to your new address. You can do this online at: https://www.usps.com/manage/manage-your-mail.htm#1 (costs $1.00), or at our local Boyers Post Office located at: 1188 Boyers Rd. Boyers, PA 16020 (at the corner of Boyers Rd. and Rt. 308) |