Welcome to Marion Township, we are located in the Northern part of Butler County, PA. Marion Township is lightly populated and home to approximately 1,240 people. Its 26 square miles are distinguished by rolling hills, winding roads, large forest areas, and streams.
If you already live in Marion Township, we trust this website will give you some valuable information. If you are considering moving into the Township, we hope the information provided here encourages you to further explore the community. We are here to help so please feel free to contact us using the contact form below or call: 724-735-2637
MAKE A PAYMENT: Click here to make a water or sewer payment or to pay for a building permit application or park rental. - The transaction will include a service fee if you pay with your credit or debit card. The total payment will include either a $2.50 or 2.95% service fee (whichever is greater). - If you pay by e-check, there will be an additional $2.00 service fee. This requires the provision of your checking/ savings account number and your routing number.
MUNICIPAL NO LIEN LETTER REQUEST: Send request along with payment of $15.00 made payable to Marion Township to: Marion Township PO Box 141 Boyers, PA 16020 724-735-2637 Fax: 724-735-4510 marion.twp@zoominternet.net
WATER & SEWER NO LIEN LETTER REQUEST: Send request along with payment of $15.00 made payable to Marion Township to: Not all areas of Marion Township have public water and sewage so please call or e mail to see if the property is located in the service area. Marion Township PO Box 141 Boyers, PA 16020 724-735-2637 Fax: 724-735-4510 marion.twp@zoominternet.net
UPCOMING MARION TWP TRI COUNTY CLEAN UP DAY: Marion Township residents who have current accounts with Tri County are eligible for bulk collection on Monday, May 5, 2025. They will be picking the items up early on the morning of May 5, 2025, so make sure you put the items you want collected out the night before.
Bulk items include: ~ Furniture ~ Appliances ~ Hot Water Tanks ~ Plumbing fixtures
NOT Included, due to State Regulation ~ Flammable Liquids ~ Auto Batteries ~ Paint ~ Tires ~ TV's & Electronics ~ Any material that may be considered hazardous.
Let’s take advantage of this great service that Tri County offers us twice a year. If you have any questions about the bulk clean up you may contact Tri County Industries at 724-748-4705.
Board of Supervisors Meeting Dates & Times for 2025: The Organizational Meeting with regular meeting following: January 6, 2025: 4:30 pm. All other meetings February - December will be held on the second Monday of each month at 5:00 pm the Marion Township Office. 2275 West Sunbury Road Suite A Boyers, PA 16020. (beside McBride's Pizza)